Thursday, 7 June 2007


I found this assignment complicated and I don’t think that I have achieved my highest standards on it. Website design for me is not my strongest area and could be vastly improved on.

I had started off by doing research on good and bad websites and myspaces. I had listed a lot of strong advantages to the good website and myspace and clearly shown what was bad in the bad website and myspace. After I had done that I then created my own blogger and pasted the work into it.

In the blogger I had written what I had achieved for this assignment each week. I also wrote information on what I think about the Google Company and the virgin website. I had expressed my opinions on them well with a bit of humour.

The next part of research that I went onto doing was what I had done in my website designs and why I thought they were effective. I thought that I could have added a lot more information and print screens. The print screens that I had applied show the processes I went through on the WebPages.

I then started on creating the website. To start this off I opened my website designs on Adobe Photoshop and separated the individual menu buttons importing them onto Macromedia Flash as buttons. I then saved the animation and imported it onto Macromedia Dreamweaver. After that I opened the pages (with the menu icon removed on their designs) onto Macromedia Dreamweaver and matched each page to the relevant menu icons. Unfortunately the size of the page compared to the menu bar did not match and I struggled to solve that problem.

I reckon I could of achieved a lot more in this assignment if I focused well and enjoyed the doing assignment. There were a few good concepts in my blogger but I felt I could have written more in it. I had also forgot to add a myspace which I should have concentrated on.

Wednesday, 6 June 2007

i had made a search box in my website. it does not take you anywhere but i thought maybe it may boost my marks up. After that i focused more on the reasearc h i have to do for this assignment which needs improving.
i had sorted out the website menu icons and moved my pages onto Dreamweaver with hyperlink linking to each page. However the proportion are not to descent. i now have to catch up with with all the written work.

Sunday, 3 June 2007

continuing work

I am continuing with some reasearch. in this reasearch i am comparing my website to others using printsceens still got alot of work to do

Thursday, 3 May 2007

hey ho

yer well anyway there was some work i had to catch up on which had not been completed yet

Designing of website
Layout and colouring of composition

This layout shown below is one that I would not use to create a website. This is because I don’t like how the random white space has to be there for no apparent reason and the logo would in my theory look better on the right hand side.

My layout for my website differs from the one above as it is set up portrait length. I choose this because I thought it would look more appealing to the readers. I have ordered it so that the menu icons are above the title and logo which makes the website look like documents pages. My webpage’s have the use of cartoon pictures so that the webpage will gain more attention and appeal to a younger generation.

I have given the website very bright, fun colouring as I think that would link to the theme well in the background I have given a different coloured gradient on each web page I created.

The text used in my made up website is also coloured so that the reader can pay more attention to it. ihave made sure that the coluring of the writing is visible through the background and the two colur would not blend and make the text very difficult to read. The titles have been given a 3d effect so they can stand out on the page. I did this by painting the words in the titles then selected a style for them. One of those I had painted a template for of money which links to the pages themes. I have also added different fonts to some of the writing to make it look more interesting and so readers would notice those words straight away.

In this website design I have hand drawn and scanned in cartoon images which would gain more interest to a younger generation. I coloured them in on Adobe Photoshop giving different shades of colour to show more characteristics in the drawing. I had help from using the polygonal lasso tool to select the different part to colour in and Gaussian blur tool blend the colours. i had also used the blur tool so the lines were not to definate. The titles on the webpage’s were also hand drawn and scanned in onto Adobe Photoshop for colouring.

Thursday, 26 April 2007

Starting with menu icons

I have started to edit the photoshop images of my web design. Firstly with the help of Martial we made the menu icons in flash with an indicator showing you which icon has been selected. It's not really working decently at the moment so i need to develop it more.

Friday, 30 March 2007

30th march

We were going through the basics of Dreamweaver which involved hyperlink to each webpage and the layouts

Friday, 23 March 2007

Try something else

howdy yall y'wanna kna wha'da ha bin doin Friday.

i continued with another assignment from a different lesson as the deadline was drawing to a near for it. this was designing a company website on photoshop

Friday, 16 March 2007

seriously though you think its impressive? well I can tell you for a fact it ain't that attractive. I say this cause just looking at the homepage you can see there is hardly anything going on. i mean they could of used more fun pictures. the red on red just look terrible get Lorence Lorrell Bowen to sort that out.

Friday 16 March

Martial was explaining the important factors of being a web designer. if you want your web page to be shown on Google you would have to publish it to them so that they can see it for themselves. He also showed us in Dreamweaver how to add a description of your site which would appear on search engines like Google. So if anyone searches for a word in your description your website will turn up in the search.

Friday, 9 March 2007

Friday 2/03/07

We had started a new lesson and yet another assignment. In this lesson we had started on the internet a new blogger. is tarted with reasearch on...

What makes a good website

This website is very well laid out and extremely clever. It is very easy to scroll around. This website is an interactive agency that takes you to other designer websites such as a sticker website, virtual car design, card designing site etc. It does not have too much text to read and it is separated into little paragraphs easily readable paragraphs. The logo of each company on this website has the use of animation. For instance on the Agencia Tudo webpage they have used a sticker effect on their logo. You can peel the logo off the screen by clicking on it and dragging it. When you release it the logo places itself back on the screen and turns into a drawing. The use of animation in the whole website is very good as when you click on a menu icon the screen will move up and below it show another screen with the company you choose using a 3D cube effect.

What makes a bad website

This website I find is a bad website. I say this because it has a dull background and the text is far too small. The graphics are pretty poor and they have a lot of free space around the screen. The menu icon shown in the middle of the screen is unclear as the text blends in with the background. Beside each menu icon it shows a little plus signs for the icons you are not on and a subtract for the one you are on

What make a good myspace

I think that this myspace page is good because it stands out on the page with the design in the background. The page has been made so that you can move the information without moving the background which is a clever effect. The information has also been set out in see-through boxes so you can still see the background pattern is. The text on this myspace page used to be unclear as some of the writing was in dark blue in black boxes but the creator of it (Jonathan Baines) has edited it so it is bright yellow wring in the black boxes.

What makes a bad myspace

Coral X’s Myspace
This myspace does not yet have a web address but to find it you would have to go to

What I don’t like about this myspace is that the text is too small and unclear. Most of it is in white and some in dark purple which is not good on a black background

documentary on Google

Friday 9/03/07
in our first lesson we were watching a documentary on Google. After watching it my respect for Google has dropped a bit when it heard that they were getting alot of credit by photocopying other authers books without permission. C'mon what with!?

Friday, 2 March 2007