Thursday 7 June 2007


I found this assignment complicated and I don’t think that I have achieved my highest standards on it. Website design for me is not my strongest area and could be vastly improved on.

I had started off by doing research on good and bad websites and myspaces. I had listed a lot of strong advantages to the good website and myspace and clearly shown what was bad in the bad website and myspace. After I had done that I then created my own blogger and pasted the work into it.

In the blogger I had written what I had achieved for this assignment each week. I also wrote information on what I think about the Google Company and the virgin website. I had expressed my opinions on them well with a bit of humour.

The next part of research that I went onto doing was what I had done in my website designs and why I thought they were effective. I thought that I could have added a lot more information and print screens. The print screens that I had applied show the processes I went through on the WebPages.

I then started on creating the website. To start this off I opened my website designs on Adobe Photoshop and separated the individual menu buttons importing them onto Macromedia Flash as buttons. I then saved the animation and imported it onto Macromedia Dreamweaver. After that I opened the pages (with the menu icon removed on their designs) onto Macromedia Dreamweaver and matched each page to the relevant menu icons. Unfortunately the size of the page compared to the menu bar did not match and I struggled to solve that problem.

I reckon I could of achieved a lot more in this assignment if I focused well and enjoyed the doing assignment. There were a few good concepts in my blogger but I felt I could have written more in it. I had also forgot to add a myspace which I should have concentrated on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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